
Monday, June 3, 2019

How to Install a Script to Acrobat's Menu

This post goes along with an Acrobat script: An Easier Way to Mark Comments as Checked in Acrobat DC.

If you would like to purchase this script, visit the Try67 website.
Scripts I've added to the Acrobat Menu Bar

  1. Check the following settings in Acrobat - Edit menu (or under the Acrobat menu on a Mac computer)- Preferences, JavaScript:
  • Enable Acrobat JavaScript - should be checked
  • Enable menu items JavaScript execution privileges - should be checked
  • Enable interactive console - should be checked
  • Show console on errors and messages - should be checked

How to install the script:
  1. Close Acrobat.
  2. Copy your javascript to the following folder:
  • Windows (32 bit): C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat <VERSION NUMBER>\Acrobat\JavaScripts
  • Windows (64 bit):  C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat <VERSION NUMBER>\Acrobat\JavaScripts
  • Mac:  /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/<VERSION>/JavaScripts
  • or /Applications/Adobe Acrobat <VERSION>/Adobe Acrobat
(To find it go to Applications > Adobe > Adobe Acrobat <VERSION> Pro > then right-click the Adobe Acrobat application itself and select "show package contents", then go to Contents > Resources > JavaScripts
If you find the Resources folder but there's no JavaScripts folder within it, then create it yourself and the place the script there.)

  1. Open Acrobat.
  2. Open a PDF.
There should be new item/s under the "Tools" menu (under "Add-on Tools"). They will be the names of your scripts. If you have Acrobat DC you might need to search for it in the Tools panel.

1 comment:

  1. I can get to the Acrobat Pro 10 folder, but right clicking does not reveal a “show package contents” folder. I'm on Sierra on a MAC. I also have a folder for Acrobat DC. Acrobat Pro folder has the Distiller and a Acrobat x Uninstaller. Acrobat DC has the same two files plus a third file that I believe is the acrobat program. BTW, it's insane that Acrobat can't reverse pages automatically. Thanks for creatiing something very useful. Hope I can get it to work.
