
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Use PatternMaker to Design a Geometric Color Block Pattern

In a post a couple of years ago, I explained how to design a pattern in InDesign that mimicked an afghan I have made. That method used tables and some creative cell-merging.

But this evening I figured out how to create this same pattern using PatternMaker.

The original design was based on knitted garter stitch, which incidentally is my favorite type of knitting. I have details of the afghan construction here.

So, to keep it simple, I'll be using points as my measurement of choice for this pattern. That'll let me easily use the same increments as I did in my original post (8, 5, 5, 5, 8), for square that is 33 x 33.

Start with a square 165 pt x 165 pt and fill it with the "Weave" pattern. (I chose 165 because each square will be 33x33. And 33 x 5 = 165).

Change the Line Color (not to be confused with the Endline Color).

Next, change the Number of Lines to 2 and the Angle to 0.

Since the original design was based on a 33 stitches of knitting, we want to match those proportions. So change the Weave size to 33. See how the set of 5x5 squares line up perfectly inside the frame now?

Now, increase the Line Weight to 5.

My original squares were just stripes (no black borders on the sides). In the final afghan, they just appeared to have black vertical bars because the squares were joined together at right angles. 

So what does this have to do with our PatternMaker pattern? It means you should remove the end lines.

Now fill the frame with black.

This is a really versatile pattern because it's easy to knit, done with modular construction (which means a series of small squares, and thus more frequent sense of accomplishment), and simple enough that I can knit it after a long day of computer work when my brain is tired. I think I'll do another version of this afghan soon, maybe in a different colorway. This afghan would lend itself well to gifts, but it also works well in college colors. 

Baby Girl blanket
Baby Boy blanket
Americana 2 
Eastern Carolina University
NC State 
Pt. Loma Nazarene 
University of North Carolina
University of Oregon

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